BioGRID Version 2.0.61 Release (71,209 New Physical and Genetic Interactions Added)

The BioGRID’s curated set of physical and genetic interactions has been updated to include an additional 71,209 interactions. The BioGRID 2.0.61 release includes new genetic interactions from Costanzo M et al: “The Genetic Landscape of a Cell (PMID 20093466)” and physical interactions from Jeronimo C et al: “Systematic Analysis of the Protein Interaction Network for the Human Transcription Machinery Reveals the Identity of the 7SK Capping Enzyme (PMID 17643375)” and Sowa ME et al: “Defining the human deubiquitinating enzyme interaction landscape. (PMID 19615732)”. These datasets are available immediately via our search index and also in all associated download files ( A special thanks to Michael Costanzo, Charlie Boone and their co-authors for providing us with their genetic interaction dataset and to Anne-Claude Gingras for curating physical interaction data.

These additions bring our total number of non-redundant interactions to 232,183 and raw interactions to 333,226. New interactions will be added in curation updates on a monthly basis. Please let us know if we have missed or incorrectly reported any interactions by sending an e-mail to

February 1st, 2010 - 01:15 AM