BioGRID Interactions now available at NCBI Entrez-Gene

The BioGRID is proud to announce the incorporation of our interaction records into the NCBI Entrez-Gene database. Our interactions are now attached to more than 23 000 Entrez-Gene records and will continue to grow with each of our monthly builds.

You can find these interactions at the Entrez-Gene website where you can search for your gene record of interest or for the string “BioGRID” for a complete list of records containing our interactions.

A special thanks to Donna Maglott, Joel Gillman, and the Entrez-Gene team for working hard to incorporate our data so quickly. We are excited to make this new resource available to the biological community and help our users easily reach our data wherever they search.

January 17th, 2007 - 04:36 PM