New Dataset of 23,756 Human Affinity Capture-MS Interactions

The BioGRID has posted a new dataset of 23,756 new human protein interactions detected by affinity capture-mass spectrometry, as reported by the groups of Steve Gygi and Wade Harper in the pre-publication dataset: “High Throughput Proteomic Mapping of Human Interaction Networks via Affinity-Purification Mass Spectrometry (2014)“. The dataset and associated quantitative scores are available immediately online via all standard BioGRID searches, and will be incorporated into all supported download formats upon publication.

A special thanks to the contributors Edward L. Huttlin (1), Lily Ting (1), Raphael J. Bruckner (1), Joao A. Paulo (1), Melanie P. Gygi (1), Ramin Rad (1), Deepak Kolippakkam (1), John Szpyt (1), Gabriela Zarraga (1), Stanley Tam (1), Fana Gebreab (1), Greg Colby (1), Laura Pontano-Vaites (1), Robert A. Obar (1), Virginia Guarani-Pereira (1), Timothy Harris (2), Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas (2), Mathew E. Sowa (1), J. Wade Harper (1), and Steven P. Gygi (1) from the (1) Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School and (2) Biogen-Idec, Cambridge for providing the dataset. This work was supported by grants to S.P.G. and J.W.H. from Biogen-Idec and NIH (U41 HG006673).

If you have an interaction dataset you’d like to deposit directly into the BioGRID, please contact us at

September 5th, 2014 - 01:51 AM